Action, Drama, HistoryDunkirk is not a didactic film.
Cast & Crew
Dunkirk Movie Review:
Dunkirk is a 107-minute war drama directed by Christopher Nolan, starring Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Mark Rylance and Kenneth Branagh at the cinema on August 31, 2017, distributed by Warner Bros.
The film, set during the Second World War, tells the dramatic evacuation to Britain of hundreds of thousands of soldiers allied from the Dunkerque beach under the threat of the German army. There is no trace of rhetoric, of heroism, of glory: there is no victory, but only the containment of a defeat. Operation Dynamo took place in 8 days and managed to save 338,226 soldiers from an imminent invasion.
The film has won 8 nominations and won 3 Oscars, the film was awarded to David di Donatello, 3 Golden Globes nominations, 8 nominations and won a BAFTA award, 1 European Film Awards nomination. The story unfolds on 3 levels, each with a different duration: a week for the pier, a day for the rescue at sea, an hour for the plane.
The three timelines are intertwined in a masterly manner, they are elements such as colors, boats, men and actions, which are repeated each time using a different point of view and without being offered any clarification until the final dissolution. Everything is left to the images, small clues left by Nolan to realign his work. It is therefore up to the viewer to immerse himself completely, enter the film and pay attention rediscovering that sense of surprise and wonder long gone.
As in a thesis by Heraclitus, Nolan's film is based on the essential elements that make up the universe: earth, air, water, fire. On land, on the beaches of Dunkirk, there are 400,000 British soldiers waiting to return home, after the defeat of the Allied armies in front of the overwhelming German advance in June 1940.
Christopher Nolan distils in less than two hours all his cinematographic and philosophical obsessions (Evil and Good, Time, Dream, Illusion and Reality) and embodies them in movements, spaces, masses, details. A film where there are no heroes and winners, but only survivors, where pride counts, resisting, continuing to live but in their own way.