Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Episode IX)
Action, Adventure, FantasyThe story of a battle between two empires.
Cast & Crew
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Episode IX) Movie Review:
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is a movie by J.J Abrams and Chris Terrio. The Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is overall action and adventurous movie. It narrates the story where surviving members of the resistance face the first order and the legendary conflict between the Jedi and the Sith reaches its peak bringing the skywalker saga to its end.
However, the movie could not attract the viewers much as it has some fatal mistakes as that of Spider-Man 3 and The Crimes of Grindelwald by the directors. The movie is not so engaging especially the first half of the movie although second half of the movie is little connecting. The fight scenes are commendable but one cannot get connected with the story as many characters and instances were just combined altogether which did not go so well and cannot connect with the main plot.
As it was the last episode, the directors have tried to bring all the cameos and characters all together in the movie which will be liked only by the fans of the skywalker. The 142-minute movie spends almost its time just adding painful conventional twists.t is damage to the legacy of the Star War movies. Things start well with Kylo Ren who kills his way to the location of still living Sheev Palpatine. The former emperor promises the command of newly created warships as long as Ren ends the Jedi order by killing Rey.
The visuals and the music are appreciable. John Williams has given music in the entire parts of the skywalker. The action sequences are impressive but it could have been even better. The movie also shows friendship, love and the flashback of Rey and about his past and the negative character.
However, the movie has many character and instances but it is slightly diverted from the actual plot. It is an overall typical star war film which can be better understood only by the viewers of all the parts.