The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Action, Adventure, FantasyAn ordinary man struggling with extraordinary responsibilities as Spider-Man.
Cast & Crew
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie Review:
It is said that great power carried with great responsibility and it comes with a great cost. The story of such powerful superheroes is depicted in Spider-Man 2 that deals with painful pasts and still rise to face any of the evil to save the world. How an ordinary person fights in his personal life and his inner abilities inspire him to become a superhero is all about The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Director Marc Webb has done a lot of improvisation on the way of narrating the story with the technology as well as with human element. Yes, the same would have been challenging, but the way he has presented it is really appreciable.
Andrew Garfield is playing the role of Spider-Man and it will not be wrong to say that he has embraced this part much better than the first one. His Spider-Man is having fun being the saviour of the city. He has gone everything from quips to fights and spreading the level of energy all. It seems that he is out of the comic book. Marc Webb finally has explored the character very well and let dorky Parker shine in some instances. Some are engaging and hilarious.
Talking about the other actor’s performance, Emma Stone on the counter to Garfield's Parker is good and their chemistry over the screen is excellent. The villains are very good, but the one who has marked his presence inside the movie is Dane DeHaan. It makes remind us of young Leo di Caprio. His performance is just amazing.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is full of fun, comedy, drama and action. The way a feature of spider is used seems to be very cool and amazing. The swinging scenes in this part have been better and engaging than the previous one. The special effects are complementing inside the movie.