Incredibles 2': Disney Asked US Theatres To Issue Strobe Light Warning For Children And Adolescents
Disney issued strobe light warning for 'Incredibles 2' moviegoers.

According to The Hollywood Reporter recent report moviegoers who are going to watch this weekend’s long-awaited flick “Incredibles 2” in the United States will be warned about the flashing lights used in the film and their potentially triggering effect. This happened after Blogger and Twitter user Veronica Lewis (@veron4ica) initiated the warning online with a Twitter thread. She posted a warning about the strobe/flashing lights used in Disney and Pixar’s animated sequel. The warning has gone viral, in addition to a post to her blog, Veroniiiica. The twitter quotation, which became viral said, “Incredibles 2 contains a sequence of flashing lights, which may affect people susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy or other photo sensitivities."
Veronica Lewis in a series of tweets posted a warning quote for anyone with epilepsy, migraines or chronic illness or those who are photosensitive. She also mentioned people with autism, ADHD, seizure conditions, vertigo (specifically flicker vertigo), vision impairments and PTSD could also experience a reaction to the images. This warning was for them who are planning on seeing the film. In another progressive tweet she wrote "One of these scenes lasts over 90 seconds with continuous strobe light, other scenes last anywhere from 5-30 seconds." After this viral tweet, Disney has been notified of the situation and asked all theaters that are showing “Incredibles 2” to notify patrons of the scene in question.
Here one should note that according to the Epilepsy Foundation, "for about 3 percent of people with epilepsy, exposure to flashing lights at certain intensities, or with certain visual patterns, can trigger seizures. This more common condition in children and adolescents is called as photosensitive epilepsy and it’s especially those with generalized epilepsy and a type known as juvenile myoclonic epilepsy."
Although the girl behind this tweet Lewis in one of her tweet made it clear she wasn’t calling for a boycott of the film, or asking Disney to remove it from theatres. All She wants is to make parents aware about the possible conditions they can face before taking their children to see “Incredibles 2.”
So far, no bad incidents of watching “Incredibles 2” have been reported.