Josh Brolin: Set to Strike A 'hit-trick' This Year
Josh Brolin confessed: Benedict Cumberbatch inspired him for 'Thanos'.

This year Josh Brolin’s films ‘Avengers: Infinity Wars' and 'Deadpool 2' have stunned the box office and the hunky villain is yet again all set to thrill with his upcoming crime-thriller 'Sicario: Day of the Soldado'. His character as Matt Graver in 'Sicario 2' has already got a good response from the audience. It is now said that Josh Brolin is set to strike a 'hit-trick' this year.
Avengers: Infinity Wars With his debut in Marvel Studio’s 3rd installment of Avengers franchise, 'Avengers: Infinity War', his character didn’t only create an anticipation before the movie release but his role was without a doubt the greatest super villain that any Avengers series ever had. We saw him playing a giant, purple villain. Despite of all other characters Joe and Anthony Russo’s blockbuster is about the eight-foot intergalactic big bad Thanos, played by Josh Brolin. His performance drives the character, none of those moments would have been possible without All in all, Brolin takes a lot of great joy out of playing the big baddie villain.
Deadpool 2 – His debut in the film’s franchise as Cable in 'Deadpool 2' has not only applauded for all-powerful and menacing bad guy but he portrayed himself as time-travelling mutant in the film and everybody saw his reprising shredded looks role as the titular hero. But to all surprises he actually was not in a mood to do but thanks to his lovely wife which made him to do the movie. Brolin revealed it was challenging transforming his body to play the known as Cable. There’s no question that Josh Brolin underwent an intense transformation to get shredded look. According to a new interview with Collider. Brolin said he got “the best shape of his life.”
Sicario: Day of the Soldado – And now recently we saw Josh Brolin, without digital enhancements, again the actor will astonish us as federal agent Matt Graver in ‘Sicario: Day of the Soldado’, This crime thriller, is a sequel to 2015’s break-out critical hit, 'Sicario'. The sequel will follow the drug war on the border of US and Mexico that has escalated as the cartels have begun trafficking terrorists across the US border.